How the Federal Government, States and Utilities are Aligning on Advanced Grid Solutions

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Grid Forward played host at two recent events that together help paint the picture of how the federal government, state regulators and utilities are aligning on solutions for grid modernization. Download our summary of the two events to learn how the emerging advanced grid technologies, coupled with unprecedented levels of federal investment, are impacting utility business models and improving our modern grid today.

Advanced grid solutions article
“How federal, state and industry leaders are aligning and moving ahead with advanced grid solutions”

The first event, How Federal Resources Are Impacting Utility Regulations, Investments and Business Models, was produced by the UBM Working Group on April 30, 2024. Louise White, advisor, U.S. DOE Loan Programs Office / Office of Technology Transitions, introduced the newly released report Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Innovative Grid Deployment. We also heard from Ariel Horowitz, Deputy Director for Grid Modernization, DOE Grid Deployment Office (GDO). Valuable state-level perspectives were shared by Ann McCabe from the Illinois Commerce Commission and Eric Blank, chairman, Colorado Public Utilities Commission.

In the follow-up event on May 14, 2024, Scaling Advanced Grid Solutions – Pathways In Action, we saw advanced grid solutions in action today in these utilities: AES, Great River Energy, NV Energy and SMUD. You can view the recording on the Grid Forward YouTube channel to see real-world examples of technologies such as innovative transmission solutions; automation on the distribution grid and integration of EVs; dynamic line rating and voltage management; and energy storage and demand-side solutions for grid flexibility.

Scaling Advanced Grid Solutions – Pathways in Action webinar

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