GridFWD 2024

Evolved energy markets for a modern grid

Grid Forward invites market makers, participants and solution providers to a unique event tailored specifically to explore innovations in market models for states, regulators, TSOs and DSOs to build and operate the modern grid.

October 1-2, 2024 in Banff, Canada

Download the Preliminary Agenda >


GridFWD 2024 logo white

Innovative grid policies, technology and practices to modernize markets

Market operators and participants alike are feeling it: current markets are not architected to meet the conflicting demands of progressive public policies, advancing energy technologies and unprecedented extremes in threats to the grid. The diverse community that is modernizing the grid across the western US and Canada needs to rally around new market models that can lower risk and uncertainty while improving resource adequacy, resiliency and equity.

At GridFWD 2024, we’ll paint the whole picture: from increasing market integration to community engagement, from technological drivers of resiliency and reliability to new ways to harness data for forecasting and planning.

GridFWD 2024
Banff Centre, Banff, Canada
October 1-2

Registration is open. Act now for best prices >

Download the Preliminary Agenda here >

Enter the Grid Innovation Pitch Competition >

Stakeholders from our region and beyond gather at GridFWD 

At GridFWD 2024, we will come together to share new and expanding opportunities to refine market structures and supporting technology and techniques to foster modernization. 

We invite all stakeholders to join us next fall:

  • Utility leaders and market operator experts—Learn and share best practices for planning, building, and managing resilient, flexible and sustainable energy systems as markets evolve.
  • Executive and technical leaders of solution providers—Join your customers and other stakeholders as we sketch out how technology makes modern markets more effective.
  • Regulators and government officers—Share best practices from across North America and other advanced markets, and make connections with those on the front lines.
  • NGOs and advocates—Build the knowledge base and relationships to influence new programs that promote clean energy, equity and economic activity on regional energy systems.

“GridFWD 2024 is the premium utility event that brings together utilities, technology innovators, legislators and regulators in an intensive two- day discussion of the many issues facing the utility sector. GridFWD has been a must-attend event for me and anyone interested in exploring leading-edge thinking about the electricity sector.”


Download the GridFWD 2024 Preliminary Agenda

GridFWD 2024 agenda

How to get involved with GridFWD 2024

Become a GridFWD 2024 sponsor

A broad range of organizations have come together to guide and support this unique event – see their logos below. Each also has the opportunity to sponsor our unique “Conference Connector” activities during the event that will inform, revitalize and connect our participants in ways unique to the region.

  1. First Nations Cultural Circle: Drum, Dance and Song
  2. The Mountains, the People, the Stories: a walking history of Banff
  3. Forests, Fire and Resiliency Stories: guided talk and tour
  4. Drawn to Nature: artist-facilitated drawing featuring Banff materials
  5. Tunnel Mountain Hike: a moderately difficult but stunning local trail
  6. E-Bike Tour of Tunnel Mountain Trails: for beginners and bike enthusiasts

These events are offered first-committed, first-served, by sponsorship category. So don’t wait to join up. Download the GridFWD 2024 prospectus >

Register for GridFWD 2024

Lock in your best price today. Grid Forward members, look to our March member update for your discount code.

Enter the Grid Innovation Pitch Competition

If you have an innovative technology or service for advancing grid modernization and facilitating energy markets, this is your competition. Past winners have given their best pitch in front of our event audience, and received up to $250,000 in prizes and services. 

Learn more here and be sure to enter by August 16, 2024.

Banff Kinnear Center

Registration is now open. Claim your early-bird discount.

An sleek modern venue in an awe-inspiring locale

GridFWD 2024 will come to the Kinnear Centre, Banff Centre’s newest meeting facility. This Gold LEED Certified building has been designed to create an environment that encourages interaction and engagement among attendees, with an abundance of natural light and fresh mountain air in the meeting spaces along with breathtaking vistas. Steps away, Grid Forward will have a block of rooms at the Banff Centre Hotel. Both are nestled in the Banff National Park, Canada’s first National Park established in 1885. The town of Banff is at 4,537 feet of elevation, ringed by mountains shooting up to 11,850 feet.

The airport at Calgary is 143 km or 90 minutes away. Hourly shuttles are available from the airport to Banff.

Attendees love destination venues

GridFWD 2023 survey respondents overwhelmingly appreciated having the event in at the Skamania Lodge in the Columbia Gorge, a destination location outside of an urban setting, with 76% saying “It was great!”

Thank You to the GridFWD 2024 Sponsors

Lead Sponsors

Presenting Sponsors

Premier Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors

Media Partners

Publitek provides marketing, social media and event support to Grid Forward and GridFWD 2024.
