The Grid Forward blog is the place for original announcements, news, interviews and articles from Grid Forward and around our community. Pitch us your idea – contact us with your article idea.
On Thursday May 14 Grid Forward hosted its third Virtual Utility Roundtable to continue the assessment of the ongoing impacts on the grid from COVID-19. The discussion for this roundtable focused on adjusted forecasts and...Read More
Grid Forward hosted its second Virtual Utility Roundtable of local and national leaders to see first-hand data on the impacts on the grid from COVID-19 and the implications to dispatch order, revenue loss, wholesale market...Read More
Our regional power system is operating in uncharted territory, in real time, due to the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. On Thursday April 16, GridForward hosted a Virtual Roundtable of local and national leaders to...Read More
by Bryce Yonker, Executive Director, Grid Forward We have talked with nearly half of our members one-to-one in the days since the COVID-19 virus has really shut down work as usual. While each organization is...Read More
The Grid Forward organization was formerly launched in June of 2019, but our roots go back to 2010, when a group of forward-looking energy experts banded around the name “Smart Grid Oregon.” Now we look...Read More
In a world of synchrophasors, auto reclosers, and volt-var optimization, you may ask, “What do customers have to do with grid modernization?” The reality is that modernization of the electric grid, and transformation of the...Read More
In a world of synchrophasors, auto reclosers, and volt-var optimization, you may ask, “What do customers have to do with grid modernization?” The reality is that modernization of the electric grid, and transformation of the...Read More
In a world of synchrophasors, auto reclosers, and volt-var optimization, you may ask, “What do customers have to do with grid modernization?” The reality is that modernization of the electric grid, and transformation of the...Read More
Grid modernization discussions often focus on the promise of new technologies such as analytics or energy storage. But the second session of the Grid Forward Accelerating Grid Innovation Summit proved that technological innovation actually occurs...Read More
Grid modernization discussions often focus on the promise of new technologies such as analytics or energy storage. But the second session of the Grid Forward Accelerating Grid Innovation Summit proved that technological innovation actually occurs...Read More
Grid modernization discussions often focus on the promise of new technologies such as analytics or energy storage. But the second session of the Grid Forward Accelerating Grid Innovation Summit proved that technological innovation actually occurs...Read More
Many regulators understand that innovation is increasingly important but candid discussion of new, sometimes disruptive, approaches is not simple. The Grid Forward launch event, Accelerating Grid Innovation Summit, provided a rare opportunity to address the...Read More
Grid Forward introduced its new name and mission at an event held in Portland, Oregon on June 21, 2019. The event, called “Accelerating Grid Innovation,” kicked off with a range of perspectives on grid innovationRead More
Miss the Grid Forward launch event? Lucky for you, Mark Ohrenschall of Clearing Up was there and wrote this review of the new organization and the entire event. He writes how the event “underscored shifts...Read More
By Bryce Yonker, executive director and CEO, Grid Forward The last five years for Smart Grid Northwest have been on an exciting journey of growth, collaboration and progress. Our community has made major strides and big...Read More