Search for the grid modernization event that fits your interest and timeline.
The Grid Forward community is active across a wide range of objectives, topics, activities… and events. The events calendar below is a curated collection of the events we see that have the most interest and participation among the grid modernization organizations in our region. If you know an event we should be featuring, please send a note to David Smith.
The 10th Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2019), sponsored by the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), will be held February 17-20, 2019 in Washington D.C.
The Conference will feature plenary sessions, panel sessions, technical papers, and tutorials by experts representing the electric utilities, regulators, technology providers, academia, the national laboratories, and both federal and state governments. This year’s theme is “10 years of ISGT – Innovation for a Flexible and Resilient Grid”