Search for the grid modernization event that fits your interest and timeline.
The Grid Forward community is active across a wide range of objectives, topics, activities… and events. The events calendar below is a curated collection of the events we see that have the most interest and participation among the grid modernization organizations in our region. If you know an event we should be featuring, please send a note to David Smith.
The 22nd Annual Energy, Utility & Environment Conference, is the USA’s largest professional networking and educational event of its kind, held February 25-26, 2019 at the Convention Center, San Diego, CA, with 1,500 attendees, 400 speakers and 200 exhibits.
TE-EXPO provides speaking and exhibit opportunities for suppliers of EV charging stations and infrastructure, batteries & storage, utility fleet, as well as ZEV & AFV, to showcase advanced technologies and strategies for compliance and implementation of SB-350 and for the transition of the transportation sector nationally. SB-350 directs California regulators (CPUC,ARB, CEC, AQMD) to electrify buses, trucks, fleet and off-road equipment, with $1 billion funded by investor owned utilities SDG&E, SCE and PG&E.