Search for the grid modernization event that fits your interest and timeline.
The Grid Forward community is active across a wide range of objectives, topics, activities… and events. The events calendar below is a curated collection of the events we see that have the most interest and participation among the grid modernization organizations in our region. If you know an event we should be featuring, please send a note to David Smith.
The Energy Systems Innovation (ESI) Center at Washington State University (WSU) is strongly committed to collaborations with industry and governments. The mission of the ESI Center is to conduct research and development as well as knowledge/technology transfer on smart grid in a societal context. The center faculty team includes 11 core faculty researchers in power grids and approximately 20 additional faculty members in allied fields, such as renewables, environmental sciences, smart homes, economics, and sociology.
The ESI Center launched the annual ESI Center Energy Summit that is intended to bring together key stakeholders from industry, government, and research institutions for a forum on timely and important subjects in smart grid and related fields. Prominent speakers from government and industry will be invited to share their visions and experience at a half-day session during the 2016 Power and Energy Automation Conference (PEAC). We invite industry and government representatives to join the forum. The first Energy Summit, held on April 2, 2015, was centered around storage technologies and their applications on the power grids. The Energy Summit will be integrated with PEAC starting in 2016.