Regional Collaboration

Prepare for federal investments in grid enhancing capabilities in the infrastructure spending package.

Planning Together to Optimize Federal Grid Investments

Grid Forward is bringing together our membership and other regional stakeholders to collaborate on how to access the significant resources coming from Federal action to invest in grid infrastructure. The U.S. Department of Energy has seen an influx of resources and capabilities unrivaled since its creation in the 1970s. If you are interested in dialogues on how to organize around any of the following topics please let us know by completing the short form below.

If you have other questions about the potential for significant grid modernization investment (from the reconciliation package or the infrastructure bill) contact Bryce Yonker, Grid Forward executive director.

Grid Investment Areas in the Infrastructure Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The infusion of about $1.2 trillion in core capabilities that run our society is unlike any the country has mobilized in decades. Here are more resources for learning about its grid impact.

Focus Area: Resiliency

The energy section of the Act starts out with the programs for investing in hardening the grid to various threats and disturbances. The total investment in this area is $11 billion making it one of the more robust aspects of the act. Funds go to states, utilities and other stakeholders requiring 50% match (or 33% for smaller communities). 

  • Details are in section 40101-40103 in the Act on pages 1318-1338
  • Much of these resources will be managed at the new office of Grid Infrastructure in partnership with DOE Office of Electricity and the new Clean Energy Demonstration office.
  • Funding Opportunity: States, tribes and territories can apply for first round of funding for grid resiliency deployments with plans due Sept 30th
  • Pending Opportunity: Competitive fundings for grid resiliency is expected with a combined opportunity with other grid enhancing efforts coming soon. Stay tuned for updates, including on DOE pages >>

Focus Area: Grid flexibility and modernization a.k.a. Smart Grid Investment Grants

The 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act created the Smart Grid Investment Grant Program which was one of the core energy efforts of the ARRA from 2008-2013. The Infrastructure Act rekindles this program with $3 billion and expands the eligible areas.

  • Details of this opportunity are in section 40107 of the Infrastructure Act from pages 1366-1368
  • Read a recap of the results from the last package of Smart Grid Investment Grants
  • Smart grid investment grant funding will be managed by the new DOE office of Grid Infrastructure. 
  • Pending Opportunity: Competitive fundings for grid flexibility and smart grid efforts is expected with a combined opportunity with grid resiliency and other grid enhancing efforts coming soon. Stay tuned for updates. 
  • Grid Forward Feedback: Grid Forward surveyed its members and offered suggestions to DOE advisory leadership on the priority areas for grid flexibility resources. We also have created a summary of grid modernization investment lesson from ARRA. If you would like to see the results of the survey and briefing check in with Bryce.

Focus Area: Cybersecurity

A whole sub-title of the energy title on the infrastructure act is devoted to expanding cyber security capabilities and resources. 

  • Section 40121-40127 outlines the aspects on pages 1388-1412 of the Act
  • $600 million is available in resources including $250 million specifically for smaller utilities 
  • One area to note is that any grants and investments in the entire energy title may require cybersecurity plans with them (outlined in Sec 40126)

Focus Area: Energy Innovation Deployments

The Act is sprinkled with resources for demonstrations and deployments of innovative energy resources from energy storage, hydrogen, carbon capture, nuclear and other assets. We do not plan to have discussions in all of these areas, but are happy to help facilitate interest in any of them. 

  • Sec. 40207 – $6 billion for storage supply chain and 2nd use deployments
  • Sec. 41001 – $505 million Storage and long duration demos
  • Sec. 41006-7 – $360 million Marine, geothermal, wind and solar demos
  • Sec. 40304, 40305, 40308 and others – $8 billion CCUS demos and deployment (and $3B in 41001 pilots and demos)
  • Sec. 40314 – $8 billion Hydrogen hubs
  • Sec. 40323 – $6 billion Nuclear credit program (and $3+ billion advanced reactor demos in 41001)
  • Sec. 40331-3 – $750 million Hydro asset improvement
  • Sec. 40502 – $250 million State loans for efficiency & Sec. 40552 brings $550 million for state EE block grants
  • Sec. 40511 – $225 million updated building codes & 40541 another $500 million EE and RE on schools
  • Sec. 40551 – $3.5 billion for weatherization assistance
  • Sec. 50555 – $10 million for efficient transformers

Focus Area: Other Grid Enhancements 

The Infrastructure Act has numerous additional areas to support capabilities of the grid. We do not plan to have discussions in all of these areas, but are happy to help facilitate interest in any of them. 


  • Sec 40106 – $2.5 billion for transmission facilitation
  • Sec 40109 – $500 million for state collaboration on transmission siting


  • Sec. 60102 – $42 billion for broadband access (utilities are eligible) 
  • Sec. 60401 – $1 billion for broadband middle mile connectivity

Advanced Transportation

  • Sec. 11401 – $5 billion Grants for charging infrastructure 
  • Sec. 25005 – $500 million for SMART grants for community adv. transport
  • Sec. 40208 – $200 million EV battery recycling and 2nd life
  • Sec. 71101 – $5 billion low and zero emission school buses 
  • Sec. 71102 – $250 million Electric Ferry pilots 

Studies & Resources

  • Sec. 40104 – Utility & commission demand response consideration
  • Sec. 40105 – National transmission corridors
  • Sec. 40211 – 21st Century workforce advisory board
  • Sec. 40412 – Electric grid system dashboard
  • Sec. 40433 – Report on digital solutions for climate
  • Sec. 25006 – EV working group 
  • Sec. 40431 – Commissions considering electrification and EV charging opportunities

Funding Opportunities & Updates

Resources and Discussions on Regional Priorities

Grid Forward is organizing members of our community to help create connections that can lead to teams tapping into the funds being released by the Act. We are focused on grid resiliency, grid flexibility (via the Smart Grid Investment Grants) and cybersecurity. There are other energy innovation deployments we can help coordinate (such as long duration storage) with interest from the community. If you’d like to join in peer groups to explore the possibilities, please use the form below. We will put you in contact with group leaders for more information