Help Us Move the Grid Forward

We’re a regional, member-based non-profit organization that brings together utilities, solution providers, government agencies, regulators, advocates and others to work together on making grid modernization a reality.

A Range of Stakeholders Pursuing Grid Modernization

Grid Forward members represent all the key actors in the electrical grid:

  • Utility executives and practitioners working to optimize energy systems. Grid Forward helps utilities share new approaches, uncover opportunities for federal funding and compare results to improve confidence in moving ahead with various modernization solutions.
  • Executive and technical leaders of solution providers developing new technologies and processes that modernize generation, transmission, distribution, and customer relationships through advanced sensoring, controls, analytics and much more. Grid Forward gives technology providers a platform to meet and collaborate with customers and the broader influencers shaping the market.
  • Regulators and government officers exploring bold ideas, opportunities and best practices that lead to more diversified, efficient, reliable and equitable power systems. Grid Forward provides a valued exchange of ideas and best practices, based on real-world results, to determine how models can evolve to meet increasing system needs.
  • NGOs, thought leaders and advocates building the knowledge base and relationships to promote progress on regional energy systems. Grid Forward puts non-profits, educators, labs, investors, and others in the room with leading practitioners and decision makers to work together to craft solutions that lead to optimal outcomes for all.

Membership Levels  | Member Benefit SummaryMembers  |  Affiliate Members  

All The Ways We Keep You Moving Forward

Your organization can play a fundamental role in Grid Forward’s mission to promote and accelerate grid modernization in our region. Your membership will serve your organization in several ways:

  1. Engage and Learn: Keep current through interaction and involvement with members and industry experts in our events, roundtables, workshops and group meetings, as well as members-only regional updates; members get discounts to all our events.
  2. Influence Regional Grid Modernization: Actively shape and participate in our premier GridFWD event, join in education of regional and federal policymakers, support our original content (podcasts and presentations), contribute to industry development efforts and federal funding opportunities, and share your content through our channels.
  3. Access Critical Grid Modernization Resources: Grid Forward has played a central role in expanding federal funding for advanced grid deployments. Members have access to group discussions and organizational support as funds for smart grid, resiliency, cybersecurity and other grid enhancing deployments get in motion.
  4. Expand Your Connections: Meet a wide variety of industry stakeholders through diverse member network, small-group virtual lunch discussions, facilitated introductions and amplification through our social media channels.
  5. Shape our Future: All members play a role in our annual member meeting and occasional surveys and group calls; you can also apply to join our board of directors or board of advisors.

Professional Services for Forward Momentum

Beyond the benefits of standard membership, Grid Forward provides Member Professional
Services which includes guidance and expertise to help your organization achieve its grid
modernization goals. Tap into our network of grid experts, policy leaders, advanced energy
resource providers, technology specialists, and thought leaders to advance your objectives.

Here are just a few areas of expertise where we can help:

  • Support services for building coalitions and developing projects to pursue state, municipal, and/or federal grant resources
  • Road mapping and strategic plans for navigating the evolving role of grid modernization in resilience, equity, cybersecurity, and transformational customer experiences
  • Go-to-market strategy for product or solutions development
  • Thought leadership documentation such as writing, designing, editing, reviewing and distribution of featured projects or concepts
  • Working group or task force management and coordination
  • Connections to industry leaders and stakeholders
  • Support for business model reform and efforts to accelerate innovation

Some engagements may require multiple members to participate, and with others we can work directly
with your team. Minimum funding levels may apply. For larger scale projects, Grid Forward may
also retain member firms and outside experts for supplemental support.

We’re ready to talk about your needs when you are.

Become a Grid Forward member organization today.