We’re a regional, member-based non-profit organization that brings together utilities, solution providers, government agencies, regulators, advocates and others to work together on making grid modernization a reality.
Grid Forward members represent all the key actors in the electrical grid:
Membership Levels | Member Benefit Summary | Members | Affiliate Members
Your organization can play a fundamental role in Grid Forward’s mission to promote and accelerate grid modernization in our region. Your membership will serve your organization in several ways:
Beyond the benefits of standard membership, Grid Forward provides Member Professional
Services which includes guidance and expertise to help your organization achieve its grid
modernization goals. Tap into our network of grid experts, policy leaders, advanced energy
resource providers, technology specialists, and thought leaders to advance your objectives.
Here are just a few areas of expertise where we can help:
Some engagements may require multiple members to participate, and with others we can work directly
with your team. Minimum funding levels may apply. For larger scale projects, Grid Forward may
also retain member firms and outside experts for supplemental support.
We’re ready to talk about your needs when you are.